rewire older speaker internal wiring?

Has anyone rewired an older pair of speakers? and if so was there an improvement in the sound? I have an older pair of JBL 4311B that I am thinking about rewiring. Any suggestions for brands of wire. I have some left over bulk kimber kable that I thinking of using. Speakers are in great shape, just thougth it might be a worthy upgrade project.
Many people experienced in this rebuild will tell you to use a parallel 'bypass' cap of some small value.
Don't forget that caps in Paralled ADD values.

Solon is a good choice as is Clarity SA for more $$. It gets wacky after that and in my OPINION should not be purchased unheard or without a knowing recommendation.

My panels start wit Solon and I am pricing out a new x-over of identical design to original, using Clarity SA. I could spend more $$ on a single Mundorf Gold/Silver/Oil (whatever) than I intend for the entire project!
First rewire the innards...and then I will advise you on the crossovers. If you want my HO that is.
Thank you all for your input.
Vandermeulen, I will contact you once I have replaced internal wiring for advise with the caps.
