rewire older speaker internal wiring?

Has anyone rewired an older pair of speakers? and if so was there an improvement in the sound? I have an older pair of JBL 4311B that I am thinking about rewiring. Any suggestions for brands of wire. I have some left over bulk kimber kable that I thinking of using. Speakers are in great shape, just thougth it might be a worthy upgrade project.
Thank you all for your input.
Vandermeulen, I will contact you once I have replaced internal wiring for advise with the caps.

Here is a link to a page on humble.

Please read it and know it is just 1 guys opinion, but an educated opinion.

Pick your price: pick your poison.
For 4311s, you may not want to go more expensive than the Solon.
Clarity SA for more money?

How deep are your pockets?
Peter, I'm a putz. I own the 4312C JBL Monitors also. I can't believe I forgot to mention this. I have never thought about rewiring them...till now. LOL. I will try to find some time to take them apart and see whats going on inside. Keep me posted, as I will you.
On this link I sent you on the 23,I think they show the crossover coming out of the front,when it looks like it may be
mounted inside.There might be a cover plate hiding the two screws?Their diagram doesn't look 100% right.