Best way to couple monitor speakers to stands?

I made some Sound Anchor copy 4 post stands for my Revel M20 monitors. They are very heavy and I think the sound is noticeably better than the stands I was using before. I am using 4 dabs of blue tack to couple the speakers to the stands. I wondering if big improvements can be made with something else. The top of the stands are 3/4" thick by 2" steel bar roughly the same size of the speaker and then at each corner a 2x2 steel tube runs down to a bass. Looks just like the sound anchor 4 post stands. I filled everything with sand/lead shot.

Is blue tack good enough?
Blu-tack is very effective and offers the added advantage of not damaging the bottom of the speakers.

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I disagree with Wendell in that while it is a very effective coupler it changes the sound of the speakers I use, which are both ported and closed box. If your top end is a little bright it will bring it down considerably. But many, including Martin Colloms agree with Wendell. My own experiences have led me to prefer cones or my current preference, roller bearings. Not for the faint hearted or those with small children or large pets. There are real differences between the sounds of these that stem from whether the speaker is coupled or isolated from the stand and what the vibrational characteristics of the stand is. But the Blu-Tak or its generic versions is the cheaper way to go so try it first.
Herbies Big Fat Black Dots are an excellent interface material. I use them between the lower and upper modules of my VSA VR4JR speakers with a significant improvement in clarity and dynamics and use them also for my monitors on stands. They come with a money back guarantee But I'd guess you won't part with them once you give them a try.
A very inexpensive alternative is to use V-Pads available from heating and air conditioning suppliers for about $3 @and are identical to Mapleshade IsoBlocks.
I found each of these approaches vastly superior to blue tack.
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