Binding post upgrade for Classe CAP-151?

Any recommendations for upgrading the stock (red/black) binding posts on my Classe CAP-151. It is an earlier model chassis with 4 bp's, vs. later models chassis w/8.

I'm NOT looking for anything that would require additional modifications to the chassis, or the binding post itself.

I'm also NOT looking for opinions or suggestions from those that have no specific knowledge or experience with this particular model/application.

Thanks for your help and cooperation.
The two red Wima caps you're talking about are the two 0.1uf op-amp decoupling caps, C105 and C106. The 100uf caps must be the two +VCC and -VCC decoupling caps.

No modification to the CA-300 chassis was necessary to fit the WBT 0702 posts. However, you will need to reuse the stock Classé inside washer, followed by the WBT puzzle washers. Use the WBT standard washer on the outside, but you will need to trim off the little notch on it (see picture linked below) before it will sit flat against the inside washer.
The binding posts will help, but yr focusing on wrong area. Look more into filter cap bypasses. will make a much larger improvement.
If you are familiar with the CA-300 and CA-400, you will know that the way the amp is constructed, there is no room for bypass caps. The CA-300 has thirty-six 4,700uf filter caps, stacked in two tiers of 18. IMO, one of the DR models with their more open layout would be a better candidate for such modding.
I use only the balanced inputs of the classe CA-300. Therefore I have bypassed the entire op amp BB dual 2604 buffer stage print. The cables to the central amp print is now directly connected to the 3 white wires of balanced inputs. The white wires are disconnected from the buffer print.

This is the way go. This sounds so much better in every aspect This is a complete different amp. So much more detail, clean and power. Still warm and pleasant. Much more music :-)

If you would try, be carefull to isolate the connections very well. Dc is still on the buffer the print. I Did not disconnect powersuply of the print yet. Have to decide this later. (Use a Music first Audio classic as pre) Update will follow
I guess you don't plan on ever selling that CA-300. A future owner may want to use the RCA inputs.