Thanks to Audiogon and friends

Please be easy as I'm a nubile/novice/non-audiophile. Having said, I thought that I was the cat's meow. Friends and associates agreed. Now, please don't laugh. I have a HT/Surround system from a "high profile" manufacturer(it starts with B) that I, uneducated, thought was ideal. I was using the system for both HT and stereo audio. I thought it was great until I visited an old friend that had Rega gear. Suffice to say, he and Audiogon have awakened me. My surround system is great for "club sound" when I have a gathering, but is inferior when it comes to true music. I am begining to build a system with a small budget(I've started with a Cambridge Integrated). Needless to say, even wth a low budget amp, the difference is astonishing. Audiogon has been a great resource. Any further insight would be helpful. Please bare in mind that I have a limited budget. Thanks, audiogon members.
Welcome Auditory. We'll need some info before we stimulate your auditory senses any further... (sorry, weak pun!):
* which Cambridge integrated?
* how big's the room (for speaker choice)
* do you need a cd player or do you already have a multi that will do for now?
Welcome aboard !
And congrats on discovering Audiogon. I am also a relatively new member and I really fell in love with music and sound since I first came here. I hope you enjoy this place as much as I do. I visit every day.

Especially since you are on a limited budget, I want to recommend the Valab non-oversampling dac as a component to keep on your short list. You can buy one on Ebay, new, for $200. This is a great piece to start off early with, especially if you want to play music from your computer through your hifi system. Google Valab and you can read all about this true giant killer.

I hope your enjoy your new found path. Good luck and take advantage of the great folks in here with their deep, unselfish knowledge.
Welcome! The Gon needs more nubile members!

As Mattzack suggests, I'd seriously consider computer audio; there seem to be a lot of high value DACs out there.


Main Entry: nu·bile
Pronunciation: \ˈnü-ˌbī(-ə)l, ˈnyü-, -bəl\
Function: adjective
Etymology: French, from Latin nubilis, from nubere to marry — more at nuptial
Date: circa 1642

1 : of marriageable condition or age
2 : sexually attractive —used of a young woman

— nu·bil·i·ty \nü-ˈbi-lə-tē, nyü-\ noun