Looking for better Power Conditioner than my Tice

for many years I have used the Tice Power Block 3a Signature. Unfortunally I couldn´t compare with new products from Shunyata, PS Audio or others.
I want to know if anybody could compare it and if really recomend me to move to other product.
I´m really interest on the PS Audio Power Plant premier
I have a new Audience AR6-T power conditioner which took my system up a major notch, and would recommend it to anyone looking for a comparison.
Haven't listened to the Tice,comparing Shunyata to Torus,
there is NO COMPARISON,Torus PIUs have stopped my search as they are quite dramatic.A bit pricey,but for the music,well
worth it.You very seldom see them for sale.
Well worth checking out.
Try the Chang LightSpeed line conditioners!

They do not limit current draws and do not degrade the sonics in any way.

Seem to work great on Power amps IMHO!
I owned Chang Lightspeed conditioners many years ago. One day curiousity got the better of me, and I decided to remove the silicone seals on the ends of one of the PVC tubes in the chassis to see what ("lossy material" as Chang describes it) was inside. This "technolgy" turned out to be nothing more than a series of ferrite beads filling most of the length of the tube. IMO, the prices Chang charges for their products is way too much for ferrite beads.