Cable lifters/towers- voodoo or the real thing?

This is something I've been wrestling with for some time. After spending as much on equipment as I have, I'm hesitant about dropping a rather menial sum on cable lifters or towers. It's literally the cost of a few cases of premium imported beer, but I just can't believe what I read about them. Six Moons glowed about Dedicated Audio's Cable Towers, but I'm not sure if I buy it. Perhaps it's because I don't understand the reasoning behind them. Any opinions or thoughts to educate me here? Am I being an idiot not getting any? Right now, I just have a tangled mess of cables lying on the floor, suspended in air from being relatively it a good way to tweak a system?
Went the Home Depot route with foam rubber pipe insulators. Looks kinda stupid, what with the insulators on the cables being about 3" in diameter. Don't know if it makes a difference. If it does, I can't hear it. At least it was cheap- like four bucks for a six foot long piece of insulation.

Now- what should I isolate? Just speaker cables? Power cords, too? Please don't tell me to isolate interconnects. LOL.
Afc, you never said what kind of floor construction in your listening room, but speaker cables are the most vulnerable to both mechanical vibration (wood framing over a crawl space) and ground inductance (reinforced concrete slab, either on dirt or in a steel/concrete highrise.)

You're right, power cables and IC's are exempt ;--)
If you have carpet etc they work BIG TIME!!
And what kind of floor construction is under your carpet? And what exactly do you mean by "work BIG TIME"? What do they do, or what problems do they eliminate; and what kind of cables are you referring to?

If you want your experience to mean something to others, you have to qualify your remarks. Otherwise, it's just another empty opinion ;--)