I've been a student of humor ever sense I went to the big house. Yep, the punatentiary.
Jokes are a form of performance art and best suited to someone conscience of the audience and how joke/performer/audience interact.
On this forum? All audio jokes are probably OK. You must just be sensitive to the jokee.....if aimed at a particular person.
Yeah, I'd stay away from jokes about racial stuff. Nono to gender and mental health stuff, too, except as it relates to spending absurd amounts of time and money on a hobby / avocation which some find valuelss....the IPod forever crowd. Weather is always good for a laugh, but in a hifi context? Religion and politics can be the 3rd rail of humor.
Who was that no-talent guy from Seinfeld? Richards, right? This guy couldn't get a booking on Mars, for Pete's sake. In addition to being a one-trick pony and of only so-so talent, he was ill tempered and went the wrong way with an audience. Completely Wrong but the chance you take with performance art.
Just an example....I was arguing with my boss at work. Sort of yelling back at forth at a meeting. Everyone sat their like they were painted on the wall. I had to do something. SO, when my boss finally agreed with me, I took my opportunity......'Dog gone it, XXX, why are you agreeing with me? I'm in no mood to take YES for an answer!' Good for a laugh and no hard feelings. But we both made our points and got on with it. I took a chance and knowing my audience got away with it.
Somebody making dead cat jokes? And violent ones, at that, is quite over the edge.