Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
@ pops, Hi, please respond to the question here, I know you are busy, this is the third time in a few weeks I have asked you, are you still useing the Elrod power cords on your amps?, Hey, I really do not like most after market power cords any way, very hard to match to a particular piece of equipment, no matter the Brand or model of a power cord!, I am in your camp, I/Cs and speaker cables are most profound and easy to work with, Happy Listening.
Audiolabyrinth I am not using the Elrod or any aftermarket PC. Haven't found one I like long term. Do they impact a system, absolutely! One cord can make a difference - I hear it and am not a naysayer. I just prefer stock cords in my system. I find PC's sweeten up the midrange and screw with the frequency extremes. They also make the background blacker which I think sucks the air out.

I find them enticing at first and not interesting long term. I am also not using any digital. I always had aftermarket cords on my digital rig.

Thanks for the call out Keith, I haven't been on the thread in a while.
@ Tboooe, How is your new Tara labs, The two with HFX ground station interconnect sounding now?
@ Pops, Thankyou so much for your reply, interesting, I feel the same way about power cords as you do, Most noteable, Krell High-power amps, I have tried many power cords on a Krell FPB 200 solid state amp I use to own with terrible success, The Beldin power cord that came stock with that Krell model could not be beaten out by any brand or model power cord, I still, all the way to this day, never understood why?, when I do start to use the Tara labs cobalt power cord I have, I will give truthfull impressions on the sound with it on a digital player, Tara tells me, The cobalt performs best on power amps and pre-amps, but the cobalt is very exceptional on digital to, Jerry, I have listened to this Tara model power cord on a few systems, sounded great, that's why I bought it, Now, the both of us know, that does not mean it will be good on my sytem, Jerry, you must wish me luck with the Cobalt power cord on my system, when It comes to power cords, it's the worst gamble in audio that I know of!, thus, the reason I am not a big fan of them, have you made any changes to your system since we last talked?, how are the Thiel cs-6 speakers sounding now, I assume they are burned-in to your system now?, cheers.
@ audiolabryinth. I have heard the elrod power cables. They are the truth. Very thick but the truth. Serious cord. My dealer let me demo for two weeks. They are expensive but very very good.