Bob Dylan's Hifi?

Bob Dylan has expressed some strong opinions on recording techniques and audio quality. He also seems to have vast knowledge of, and good taste in American music as demonstrated on his Theme Time Radio Hour. It would be interesting to know what he uses to listen to music on. Any idea?
You do realize that his show is researched and written by other people? He just reads from a script. You or I could do his show but no one would listen because we're not famous !!! I'm not saying he doesn't know music, I'm just commenting on his show.
Tpreaves, many of Dylan's comments on his radio show are clearly not written for him. His humor for instance is clearly his own. His comments on the songs he picked for his artists choice CD are very personal, and strikingly similar to his song intros on Theme Time, as are his comments on his influences in the interview that comes with his "Biograph" recording set. So unless you have some inside information on the radio shows production, I won't assume he's sticking to a script.
A typical comment on a Stanley Brothers song from his Artists choice CD:
"...I used to have a really scratched up copy of this record; sounded like they were singing in a windstorm. Someone gave me a real clean version on CD a few years ago. I miss the wind."