Power On First/Off Last Device?

Good people: I have a system with a tube preamp, power amp, dac and cdp. I know that I need to turn my power amp off first and on last and my preamp off last and on first. I realize this can be accomplished by actually pushing the power buttons on each device manually in te correct order, but as Americans we're too lazy to do so and seek to accomplish the above by flicking a single switch. Is there an inexpensive power strip which allows one to reverse the order in which devices are turned on and off? Thanks in advance for you help.
I have an inexpensive Monster Power Center that turns on my amp last and off first. As I recall, they made other units with programmable "timing" options allowing you customize the order of shutdown and start-up.
Loomisjohnson, in addition to the old Adcom line conditioners, the Belkin PureAv PF-60 power console has eight outlet banks, each with programmable turn-on delays of 5, 10 or 15 seconds. You could set the outlet bank the amp is plugged into so that it turns on last and off first.
thanks gbart. i did already order an adcom ace and will report results when i get it.
I use an Adcom ACE 515 I bought new that refuses to die...and works prefectly. Also, back in the late 70s my band was filling in an "off night" for a band that allowed our keyboard player to use their gigantic tri-amped rig...with specific instructions about the turn-on/turn-off sequence (amp on last, off first) that our keyboard player promptly forgot when turning it off. Oops...burnt out the whole rig and cost our keyboard player some serious clammage.
i received my adcom ace, hooked it up, and as wolf et. al, have stated, it works perfectly--i can wholeheartedly recommend it, or similar conditioner/sequencer. now if i can only find a device that (unlike wife + kids) puts the cds back in their jewel cases, all my problems would be solved. thanks again for your help.