The whole point of being an audiophile is ..."to be moved by a piece of music"
A piece of music, is something ineffable. this might be bad news but you can be moved by a piece of music heard over a used $5 dollar am radio you bought at the salvation army!
A good song transcends fidelity because songs are more than that.
bob dylan has listened to music via cassettes on a getto blaster to explore music.
Songs have a life of their own because of the words and the melody. Hi fidelity is just "getting a kick out of trying to reproduce real life instruments through gear as you hear them in real life"
"Which is more accurate?" There is no definitive answer. I suppose some are deriving pleasure from asking the question and that's ok. But we need to let go and enjoy. Perhaps i'm preaching to the choir but maybe not for some...
Sound reproduction is as varied as cooking. No two apple pies are identical and each must be compared to another on a case by case basis.
There are a plethora of contingencies involved in each form of playback, in each individual case that meaningful discussion becomes futile.
Both formats are hit and miss. But i still feel persuaded to say, that the BEST playback i have ever heard, when the planets align, was vinyl.
So, if the question was...""when the planets align", which is the most accurate format:digital or vinyl?" (and by "accurate" you mean as a virtue "best sounding so as to move you" ...I would answer by saying..."vinyl is more accurate".
A piece of music, is something ineffable. this might be bad news but you can be moved by a piece of music heard over a used $5 dollar am radio you bought at the salvation army!
A good song transcends fidelity because songs are more than that.
bob dylan has listened to music via cassettes on a getto blaster to explore music.
Songs have a life of their own because of the words and the melody. Hi fidelity is just "getting a kick out of trying to reproduce real life instruments through gear as you hear them in real life"
"Which is more accurate?" There is no definitive answer. I suppose some are deriving pleasure from asking the question and that's ok. But we need to let go and enjoy. Perhaps i'm preaching to the choir but maybe not for some...
Sound reproduction is as varied as cooking. No two apple pies are identical and each must be compared to another on a case by case basis.
There are a plethora of contingencies involved in each form of playback, in each individual case that meaningful discussion becomes futile.
Both formats are hit and miss. But i still feel persuaded to say, that the BEST playback i have ever heard, when the planets align, was vinyl.
So, if the question was...""when the planets align", which is the most accurate format:digital or vinyl?" (and by "accurate" you mean as a virtue "best sounding so as to move you" ...I would answer by saying..."vinyl is more accurate".