If we can all agree to the standard by which to measure whether or not a sound reproduced by a stereo is accurate or not then we can begin to judge whether or not that reproduced sound is in fact accurate.
But just saying "live" music will be the standard by which we measure accuracy by.... is...i think...insufficient... since even "live" music is not a precise enough definition.
Distinctions need to be made.
If we were to agree that our standard will be unamplified instruments like violins, guitars, flutes, drums. Then we have a standard. A ruler is a standard by which we measure whether or not a line is straight. If we put the ruler up against the line we can then see and judge.
Where things become complicated is when acoustic instruments become AMPLIFIED THEN RECORDED. This adds a secondary manipulation to the natural timbre of an acoustic instrument.
Now the judging becomes more difficult, since you have instrument plus quality of amplifying gear plus quality of recording gear plus the transfer gear used to put to the destination format, ie vinyl, digital, 8 track!
What is the timbre of a PA or a particular amp isolated from the instrument? Who really knows? All we know is the different degrees of quality with their synergies, ie when the flute is amplified by the pa but not recorded.
What the hell am i trying to say? I guess...that because recordings are made with gear which is either unknown to us or unfamiliar we are going to have a hard time judging whether or not the line is straight? If the only kind of music that was recorded was unamplified acoustic instruments we could have some hope in really knowing whether or not our systems are up to snuff but that is not the reality, there are thousands of different guitar amps and PA systems.
So in my opinion it is ultimately a exercise in futility to try and attain perfection across the board, everytime and all the time.
So the question "which is more accurate" is a sharp hook and people are foolish to bite onto the question at all! (smile)(hence my cocky first posting)(forgive me)
So, to me its not a vinyl or digital issue. I think we should be unprejudiced to format.
I like to enter someones room "blindfolded" let the person play their system back to me , i listen for a while and ask?
Ok, what's this person got going on in his system, is it good, is it bad, is it ok? do i like it or not? I dont care necessarily if he is using a line conditioner or not, if he is using vinyl or not, what i care about is...is it good or not...thats it. I dont even make a distinction between live or recorded music. Same response...am i enjoying myself or not?