Receptacle Cover Plates & ISOCLEAN Alternatives?

I have five unused receptacles in a dedicated 20A room circuit (I built the house and am a GC). Was considering removing them (they are all off pigtails) in an effort to reduce overall resistance through the circuit and placing brass cover plate over the openings. Have you guys who have done similar experienced any notable benefits?

Noticed ISOCLEAN used plated copper to reduce EMI/RFI. What are some cost-effective alternatives (e.g. manufacturer of nickel plated brass)?
If you place a thin layer of red Play-Doh behind the faceplate you'll find the increased damping reduces blue meanie resonances.

Just my opinion.
Green only in the southern hemisphere due to the color pigmentation in the ionic structure as it relates to the magnetic south pole.
I rebuke both. The naked faceplate is the best, as in theory of the so named TT plinth design.
Free your outlet's inhibitions!
I must say that Joe Cohen once did a demonstration of a very substantial aircraft aluminum wall plate and similar surround over the wall plug of the pc that was shockingly better. I never bought it, however.

I did buy the IsoClean wall outlet. I also found that a single Acoustic Revive QR-8 in the center face greatly improved it. I now merely put a QR-8 in the center of the existing plastic wall plate and find it improves the sound somewhat.