Maestro AC outlet

I recently changed to a Maestro AC outlet and the sonic improvement was just astounding. What are your experiences with the Maestro or other AC outlets?
The faceplates are a bit pricey. Audiofeil, was the improvement significant before and after installing the faceplate? How could a faceplate improve further the sound?
The question is: is Audiofeil being facetious?
My suspicion is that he is, so don't expect a serious answer!
Frequently entertaining "Modus aperandi"
Audiofeil's post made me smile. That was a good one. "Special reference grade screws for the face plates." Audiofeil should go further and add on what makes the screws special reference grade. Something along the lines of: The screws are made of the most finest materials that go through a special cryo treatment etc etc. ;)

What I love most about your post is many here are not quite sure if you are taking the p#ss or not.

I wonder if an industry like the space industry or aeronautical industry suffers such miss information? I put cryo'd silver on the booster rocket & found we gained extra height. Lift off was also a little more dynamic due to the platform being raised on our newly developed carbon fibre cones. The titanium ones were rubbish & caused a veering to left each time.