What is your listening level?

Is 85db the ideal listening level?
I find it amazing that many of you actually measure the db listening level. I guess I am missing something, since all of my life, I just turn up the volume to the level I enjoy. It may vary for different music, different days or even time of the day. May I ask, why some of you have the need to measure your listening level?
01-05-12: Cyclonicman
I find it amazing that many of you actually measure the db listening level. I guess I am missing something, since all of my life, I just turn up the volume to the level I enjoy. It may vary for different music, different days or even time of the day. May I ask, why some of you have the need to measure your listening level?"

I have a db meter for other reasons (hi fi related, of course), so a few times I just popped it up and measured out of curiosity. I assume everyone just turns it up to the level they enjoy same as you do.
my preference is peak spl's of about 85-90 db's. as Al points out....this would be an average and could vary based on the music itself.
My previous post was incorrect. Using a RadioShack meter, C weighting, Slow response...Peaks 85+ but satisfying average spls in the range of 78-82 dB. Listening to Van Morrison "Englightenment" as I mention these levels.