BPT 3.5, Audience aR12, or Equitech 1.5Q?

After years of ignoring this facet of my system(s), I'm finally looking into a quality power conditioner. I've narrowed it down to an Equi=tech 1.5Q or Son of Q, Audience aR12 or possibly ar6-T (little outside budget), or BPT 3.5 or 3.5 Signature. Anybody have experience with 2 or more of these? Please, let's try to keep the discussion to these units. Thanks.
I've heard the Hydra-8 and the BPT and liked the BPT better. Thats a great balanced conditioner. You're going to be in for a treat when you start addressing you ac.
Thanks for the input.

OK, maybe not *completely* ignored. I've installed a Porter Port outlet (big gains) and 2 Blue Circle BC 86 MKIII filters (less so). I'm hoping a more sophisticated conditioner will provide huge improvements given the cost. I've just felt that with that kind of money I would be better off with speaker or electronic upgrades but now I think the level of AC componentry is lagging considerably.

At this point I think it's a toss up between the 3 and I'll take whatever deal comes through first on the used market. Still, I'd like to know of a compelling reason to pick one over the others before I bite, if anybody has one.
I have`nt heard 2 of the the 3 choices.The BPT 3.5 I `ve owned for 3 years and it is superb. My entire system is plugged into it and the sound improvement is substantial. Every parameter improves with it`s use and I`ve yet to find a negative tradeoff. The noise floor is much less, this allows the music more nuance,dynamic flow/ease and there`s improved 'natural'tone and dimensionality.The overall presentation is larger in scale and improves realism in my experience.

Balanced AC power has become absolutely mandatory now.
I `d think the BPT and Equitech are very similar in results. My BPT is silent and has no hum issues.
Best Regards,