Just sold my Dynavector XV-1s

Sold my XV-1s to a Audiogon member with no feedback. He emailed me that he had only one channel working. It worked perfectly when I removed it and put it back in the original packing to send. I told him to reverse the cables from his T.T. to phono pre and see if the other channel worked. If the same channel still worked he had a problem with his T.T. Any other ideas...
Well there doesn't have to be damage to the package to be internal damage to sensitive electronic equipment. I once had a power conditioner arrive at a buyer's damaged. The only visable sign of damage was a cracked glass meter cover. The power conditioner did not function either. The box looked perfect. Fed Ex, the shipper, investigated and paid off the claim saying the damage could have come from a "flat drop". You can drop a box X feet and have it land perfectly flat, thereby not damaging the box itself. That doesn't mean it is healthy for what is inside the box.

If you have any intention of filing a claim, DO NOT have the cartridge shipped back to you. Once the cartridge has been shipped again, the insurance you purchased for the initial shipment is voided. You need to contact the carrier and have them inspect the "damage" at the buyer's residence. Any decent buyer should assist you with a claim if you were kind enough to refund the money.

I don't know offhand if the XV-1s has a serial number. I guess I just assumed it, because many high end cartridges do have serail numbers, like the ZYX 4-D that I'll be shipping out this week.
Yes, the serial# is on the cart for a XV1's. The OP may not know or remember the serial #. Just make sure that the cart is sent back along with the certificate that was with it. That way you can at least match the 2 numbers. If they don't match then there's a problem. Who knows, you may put it in your system and it will play just fine. Fingers crossed!!!!

I had bought a XV1's on here a few years ago from a seller in SF. There was an obvious sonic imbalance with it. I tried to counterbalance with azimuth adjustments in my Phantom but to no avail. Seller said i ain't taking it back!! Nothing's wrong with it when i had it in my system.

I ended up sending the cartridge to Soundsmith. Peter found that it was seriously flawed from the factory. The coils were rotated. He was able to fix it but it took months before i got it back. The wait was well rewarded. During that time period i ended up getting an Ortofon A90 so my XV1's is my "spare". Not that it's taken a back seat to my A90. I have it mounted on an other armwand and still listen to it on occasion when i crave for a different sound. Still fabulous sounding cartridge. Will not part with it.
The buyer sent back the XV-1s and yes 1 channel was gone. It was my cartridge with the serial # visible on the cart. that matched the certificate. I sent it to Soundsmith for evaluation and they determined one coil wire is detached. Could have happened in shipping or the buyer injured it during setup...I will never know. Soundsmith said the cantilever and tip were in fine shape. So I will just eat the repair cost and relist it. I think when buying/selling a used cartidge you must be able to hold his breath for just enough time to suffer brain damage!
Thank you all for your thoughts and advice.
My guess would be the shipping part Greg. It's too bad you didn't have the repairs covered by the shipping insurance.
Oh well, problem solved. I held my breath for 5 days waiting for a reply from the gent I sold my ZYX 4D to and yes, there was brain damage, just ask my wife. Fortunately I did not have any issues, but you are right, it is very scary shipping these expensive, fragile items.
More and more I think it is important to document the condition of a piece of equipment prior to shipping. Not just photos but also a video with evidence of the date which shows that the equipment is working. And then pay for packing by FedEx etc so you aren't accused of improper packing. I am not sure how it could be more likely that the recipient damaged the coils...