El34 vs. KT88

I'm trying to decide which way to go. I have only heard the EL34's in action so far. Did some searching, and I couldn't find what the info I'm looking for yet.

I will using the amp with a pair of old Vandersteen 2C's. Currently considering Line Magnetic 211IA, Rogue Cronus, Primaluna Dialogue, Mystere ia11, and the Sofia 126-03.

What I want to know is which tube will accentuate the highs (10khz and above) better w/o sounding too harsh?

I may also consider 300B or 6L6. Thanks for any tube suggestions.
I am a big fan of the EL-34 tube, I find it combines a lot of the warmth of SET tubes with more power levels and in the right implementation can sound fantastic. I have a pp 17 watt EL-34 amp and I could not be happier. This was after running through 300B's, and 6550's in various amps. I have not checked out KT-77's but may have to soon. Another bonus of EL-34's is they can be super cheap to replace, one of the reasons I opted out of 300B's was high tube replacement costs.
I have SED EL34's - 6550's and KT88's. The EL34's have that great mid range magic that is hard to beat but lacks lows - highs and power. The KT88 has a world more bass and a little more in the highs. The 6550 on the other hand is extremely linear from top to bottom. Again those are all SED's. My Tung Sol 6550 solid black and grey plates have that EL34 mid range with the lows and power but still a little rolled off in the highs. Now unlike the SED KT88 the EAT - Gec and Tesla KT88 have the best highs with a good mid range and great lows. Except for the EAT the Gec and Tesla are expensive vintage tubes. EAT is currently being produced and expensive. The EAT were/are my favorites. I mean they are my favorite in sound but not reliability.

All that being said you need to get the amp first and try different tubes. I found with my Octave V70SE integrated the input tube can alter the sound the most.
Consider the quicksilver silver 88 or silver mono...simply magic with Vandys. The m60 quicksilvdr gives you el34 or kt88 options.
I am running Quicksilver mid monos with kt88s, the added power of the kt88s were a big step up from the stock el34s. Mostly in dynamics.