why performance increase after pause?

Anyone notice that after pausing, once the gear is fully warmed up and has played several cuts, it immediately sounds better and then after a while levels off as before? I have several amps and notice the same thing with all of them. Could it be the CDP, pre, speaker crossovers cooling down?
Oh, so you've had us fooled until now? Nothing like representing yourself honestly eh, Elizabeth? I wonder, can your Bryston handle the truth? Davehrab, sure, I don't really care that much about it. I was just curious if anyone else noticed the same thing but it would be nice if performance didn't fall off that way. I'm using a Rotel RCD-02 I bought around 7 years ago. I think I'm gonna get me an Oppo BDP95.
I am not quite ready to withdraw E's audiophile certification based on this although I'm sure she does not give a rat's ars whether I or anyone does or not.
I guess my humor's a little on the dry side. I find Elizabeth to be very knowledgeable and to the point. So I just assume she takes comments like mine light-heartedly.
Well the verdict is in. The BDP 95 exhibits the same phenomenon, only more pronounced. I now care a little more about it.
There's got to be something to this phenomenon.

This has been going on for decades. Back when I tried it, it even occurs on a reasonably warmed up CDP. And it only seems to effect the opening moments.

Sounds like a design flaw common to all lasers or the reading part of the laser as its implemented. Or something like that.

Better minds need to chime.

All the best,