Best Audiophile chair around $200

So, what's the best chair out there for $200 or less? I like to have a headrest. What are your thoughts on headrests? Do they jack up imaging because of funky reflections going on right behind your ears. I don't care too much about waf. Also, what are your thoughts on foot rests and thier affect on sound? Thanks for your input!
One that does not have ahead rest or any backing above your shoulder level, otherwise you will be hearing echo. So look for something without a head rest.
I use my office chair, a Herman Miller Aeron. It's so comfy, & you can roll it around to get into a better listening position. Granted, they're $600+ new, but there are used ones on CL, sometimes for way, way less.

Soundchoiceav's suggestion to "Get a used Ekornes Stressless": I had one of those. It's not that adjustable. You're in a fixed position. It's harder to get in, & out of. They take up a lot of floor space. They are very comfy tho, & it might fit your needs, esp. a used one for cheap.

IMO it may very well take more $$ (than $200) to get a good
Audiophile chair; even used.
Speaking of classy, thank you for the kind words...

In all seriousness, I've used a poang chair for years and love it. Takes up minimal space. You sit low like most Scandenavian seating and it provides a very comfortable position. It comes with a matching footrest. Available in many colors to match your decor. AND last but not least it's dirt cheap.

Does the headrest impact the sound? Yes, in a small way. But it's worth it.