does your system "warm up" and then sound better?

I leave my amp on all the time but I'm wondering if all the other components warm up too. Speakers, pre amp, cd player, cables, ears? It seems that my system sounds better after an hour or so. What gives?
I could be dead wrong about this, but I think a passive device performs best when cold. I still have no conclusion as to why there seems to be an increase in performance after pausing my CDP. I still suspect it could be the crossovers cooling down a bit in the interim. They can and very often do, get sizzlingly hot. After all, a super conductor has theoretically zero resistance. I leave my SS amps on 24/7 also. But I think the reason they sound their best warmed up is because this is when offset and bias become stable. Not because the flow of electrons is optimal.
I turn my equipment on a few minutes before listening and turn it off when I'm finished. The cdp stays warm to the touch in standby so I don't think it needs any warm up time. The amp warms up in 10 minutes or so.
My car is at operating temp in about five minutes.
I used to own a 1973 Cadillac Deville. It had a motor. This pig simply would not warm up until I started actually driving. No matter how long it sat idling!
I turn my equipment on for a minimum of thirty minutes before listening and and leave it on for thirty minutes after I've stopped listening. I don't know what gives but my system works much better after it's be on at least an hour !!!!!
hmmm, now Im a bit confused. Should I leave my pre amp and cd player on all the time in addition to my amp? If so, does it wear out my components (caps and whatever else) sooner than if I didn't leave all that stuff on? If I do (and I have been) leave my ss amp on all the time, is it heating up my crossovers in my speakers even when I'm not listening to music?