is one ear usually stronger?

it seems that maybe i hear better out of my right ear because they soundstage seems slightly offset to the right no matter what I do. i've noticed this with different amps, speakers and rooms / placement. is this normal? have you, or do you experience this? i'm wondering if one ear just hears better, just like one eye is stronger. Im going to get my hearing chrcked, for peace of mind.
:-) Thank you! I never thought about ear wax accumulating in my ear even though just today I was talking with Mom about how I regularly use q tips to clean my ears and she said when she does that it actually pushes it (wax) into her ear and builds up. Who would have thought that my next upgrade should be to see the ear Doc. You guys are great, thank you!
This used to drive me crazy until I realized the azimuth was off on my cartridge setup. When I got that dialed in the problem went away.
You are on to something very important, your ears, the gateway to hearing music. Regular ear cleaning, only by a doctor, is a must. Medicare pays for two cleanings each year. Find a great audiologist, one who has many musicians as clients. Get to know the hearing response curve in each ear by having in-depth hearing tests done, at least every five years as hearing response changes. I've been hearing impaired for sixty five years, yet with the aid of my many fine doctors and audiologists, have enjoyed music for all of the time.
very possibly one ear is more damaged than the other, like mine. A hearing test is only $100 or so.
I called around today and the Dr's around here want anywhere between $200-$300 to clean my ears, and $150 for a hearing test. I read online after being told by a friend, that you can pour a cap full of hydrogen peroxide in your ear, let it do it's thing for ten minutes and then drain it out. She said alot of wax comes out. I tried this, heard the peroxide bubbling and fizzing in my ear for ten minutes but no wax came out and my hearing is the same, I believe. I might just bite the bullet and pay the $200 at some time to get them cleaned, and then also do a hearing test. Don't really want to spend the $400-$500 on it, but whatever.