is one ear usually stronger?

it seems that maybe i hear better out of my right ear because they soundstage seems slightly offset to the right no matter what I do. i've noticed this with different amps, speakers and rooms / placement. is this normal? have you, or do you experience this? i'm wondering if one ear just hears better, just like one eye is stronger. Im going to get my hearing chrcked, for peace of mind.
I'm thinking that if we do have a dominant ear, like an eye, we may not know it because we just wouldn't. Take your eyes for example. You do have a dominant eye but you don't realize it when they are both open. A fun trick for your eyes to find out which is dominant: with both eyes open, hold out your hand and make a circle with your thumb and pointer finger. Now pick an object and put that object in the circle. Close one eye, if the the object is still in the circle, that's your dominant eye.

On a side note, I sat my girlfriend down an d played a couple songs that I felt had a soundstage that was shifted a bit to the right and she said she could hear it too. I think she might of been just saying it to appease me, so I'll need a few more guinea pigs before I make a final deceision...
B Limo, when I tried your trick, I saw two circles and therefore couldn't decide what circle to use! But depending on what circle I did use, the rest of the trick worked.
Perhaps this is due to my being ambi-dextrous!

Salut, Bob P.
At least you guys can put the object in the circle. I never could. I have a lazy eye and as a result, I always see two of everything. One eye always dominates and the other eventually shuts down and goes its own way.

It's not as bad as when I was young, having a 15 degree vertical displacement (my left eye would almost disappear) but surgery has helped to keep it level. My depth perception is not as bad as you'd think since I've been wearing glasses since the age of 5 and I've learned to adapt. I sucked at sports. When that baseball got within swinging distance, there'd be two to choose from and their locations were both wrong.

Through time and the discipline that comes with it, you'd couldn't tell unless I'm tired and only then you might think something is wrong with my eye.

Sorry about the tangent but it seemed relevant in so far as your ears, like my eyes, with one being dominant, or somewhat impaired, can still be of value and work harmoniously in concert, adapting as best they can. The brain then does its job at collating all the info and filling in the gaps.

All the best,

Just go to a walk in clinic and get an ear cleaning with a flush of warm liquid cleaner, to completely remove all the wax.

A few years ago I had a blocked ear with wax, when I cleaned my ear with a cotton swab, and could not hear out of one ear. A nurse at a nearby walk in clinic cleaned both ears for cheap.