Singer sounds lower than ear level, help raise it

My speakers are currently on stands and the tweeters are at ear level. But still i find that the sound of the singer comes from the center of the speakers but it is lower than my ears. Her mouth sound like its only 2 feet from the ground. Is there anyway to raise the focus of the singer higher? thanks
Don't mean to be a smartass, (sometimes it just comes by accident). But, yea, I'd move the speakers around. Like, as much as possible, and see what it does for you. Tilt them, move them, raise them, lower them. Experiment. You'll be surprised. Some things will sound much worse, others may well sound much better. And unless you have a magic, acoustically perfect room, designed from the ground up for exactly your speakers (which, of course, no one does) then each and every spot you try a speaker will involve a longer list of compromises than you would care to count. There is no "right" answer or perfect place. If you start applying acoustic treatments, then you have to start over because it will change the variables. But don't think there's a place or configuration that the speakers are "supposed" to be in (unless it's interior-decor-driven, which, by mathematically probability alone, will be virtually impossible to be where they sound best).

Apologies if this has shaded into the rant-ish. I just think it's valuable to be methodical and start with the fundamentals -- particularly when it's free. A $25k amp with enough current to light up a small town won’t move your speakers into a better spot. Positioning is make-or-break in terms of a soundfield, and changing it can change virtually everything. And if you DO go start changing electronics, or wires, or the room profile -- then you have to start over with positioning.

If you really want to go off the deep end, get ahold of some room measuring software and hardware (home theater shack's REW is free and great) and you can visually plot out exactly how your room is interacting with your speakers in any given position, across the entire frequency range and over time. Very enlightening (depressing as hell, but enlightening). An insidious can of worms, to be sure, so be careful when/if opening. I’ve more-or-less got the compromises weighed in my room along the current wall. Could get better center-fill and definition with more to-in, at the expense of width. Flip the woofers (mine can actually do a 180) and get better slam and coherency at the expense of pinpoint imaging within the soundfield. Raking the speakers a couple degrees forward raises the soundstage (plop a laser level on top of the speakers, and point it at the same spot on the wall by the listening position, which requires very different leveling of each speaker, because my 170-year-old floor is not even vaguely level itself). Move the whole bit back where they look like they belong – and where the wife insists they live most of the time – and it all goes to hell and sounds way, way worse. So the whole speaker assemblage – yea, actually have a stack of seven layers of isolation and other bits under each monitor; crazy indeed – lives on acoustically-treated “sliders” that let me move them about, no fuss, no muss. And I do. A lot. I also know if I scrapped the whole setup, rearranged everything to fire along the short wall instead of part of the long wall where they are now, I’d have to start over will a whole new trial and error set, and that the potential to sound better would be much greater. Ideally, that’s where it belongs. But, ‘cause I share the space with the No. 1 Special Lady Friend of the Legal Variety (i.e., aforementioned Wife), that’s not an option. Compromises, etc.

Again, apologies if I appear to be flogging the positioning thing with messianic and/or irrational zeal, but well worth it in my experience. So much so, in my humble opinion, that futzing with other stuff before you’ve got this fundamental dialed in can be a waste of time (and certainly money). Just my two cents.
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Thanks for all the great advices.
1)Listening at particularly low volume levels - will try with higher volume.

2)Dead tweeters - they're working.

3)Room acoustics - can't really fix it, my room is sort of a U shape room, need to do too much to fix the problem.

4)A mismatch between amplifier output impedance and the speaker's variation of impedance as a function of frequency. Blue circle BC2 class a.

6)Listening off axis or with improper toe-in, as was pointed out - that means by changing the toe-in we can fix the problem? Definitely will try this.
It helps to try all sorts of placement. Proper location of a speaker is largely a random hit or miss thing and even a movement as small as 1/2 inch can make a huge difference if you happen to be moving into or out of a strong mode.

For your particular issue, I would suggest working with the rake angle first (the backwards tilt). Many speakers are not actually meant to be heard with the tweeter at ear level. It may be the case that the ideal position, for both correct frequency balance and image placement is on a different axis.

It might seem counter intuitive, but, the ideal placement may be with the speaker lowered in height and tilted back a bit. That often raises the height of the center image. I am not saying that is going to be the answer, rather, I am saying try everything, including lowering the speaker to raise the image height.