Balanced audio switching

My Oppo BDP-95 connects to the single balanced analog input of my Cary 11a processor for stereo. I want to connect my Sony XA5400ES to that same Cary balanced input. Only one player at a time would have an active signal. Can I use a $25 Y cable from Blue Jeans or do I need something like a $190 Kramer box? Can both players be powered up even though only one has output?

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The MAD switch is called a "Line Router". Just scroll down on the page I linked.

My RCA one is direct wired; no circuit board. RCA's and wire appear to be god quality. The case is nice. Maybe not as nice as brushed aluminum, but still good.
I have a Goldpoint switchbox that works very well with a great build quality.

Sorry, Riffer, I overlooked the link you provided in your earlier post.

I've now seen online balanced switches ranging in price from $180 to $372. The $180 MAD unit seems to offer 4 to 2 pairs of connections, the $192 Kramer 4 to 1, the $373 Goldpoint 2 to 1. The Goldpoint unit appears to be the most handsome, followed by the MAD unit, then the industrial looking Kramer. I wonder if there is any functional difference. Do you hear any decrement in audio quality when using the switch?
