How can do you extend the life of your tubes?

My amp premp and cdp are tubes. I read years ago, proportionatley, the most tube wears comes from powering up. And shutting down, and then powering up shortly is life shortener for sure. Shortly is too vauge. What do you tubers do to lenghten the life of your tubes, especially when we're talkng NOS and the like? thanks in advance.
Jedinite24, tubes are similar to light bulbs in that in rush current is their main enemy. You will notice that most light bulbs blow out when turning on a light, that's in rush current.

Tubes will last longer if you avoid turning them on/off. Certainly some previous advice is solid. Do not leave tube amps on 24/7 unattended, and you can use stand by circuitry if your tube equipment employs it.
Preamp tubes last for years,as a matter of fact I have antique radios that are over seventy years old with the original tubes and they are fine. Power amp tubes are more apt to wear out so I would not keep them on. Don't worry about it just enjoy it.
I use all tube equipment, amp and pre. I listen to music on the weekends. So i put on pre-amp on Friday leave it on till Sunday night. The amp stays on only when listening, then off she goes.
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