Power supply to Amplifier

What power is best for supply to Amplifier?
Whether it should be direct power from wall outlet, or through a power filter/conditioner or should it be Regenerated Power ( like from PS Audio Power Plant) ?
If the power supplied by company is really dirty , then why not regenerated power ( from home power plant like P300) which would be much purer ? Why would it not be good for power amp ? Any conflict between oscillator of regenerator and transformers of power amp?
Some people report that the dynamics of the music seem to be compromised when regenerators are used. Others use them successfully. But no, it's not a matter of a conflict between the oscillator and the transformers, or anything else that may be unhealthy for the amplifier.

I don't think there is one right answer that will always be sonically optimal. It depends on the design of the amplifier and on the characteristics of the AC. For example, with a class A amplifier, which draws essentially constant current all of the time, I don't see why a regenerator would compromise dynamics. On the other hand, it does perhaps seem understandable if the amplifier is class AB or class D, where the current draw fluctuates widely with the dynamics of the music.

Personally, I wouldn't want to be without some sort of surge protection between my amp and the wall outlet. I use this Brickwall surge suppressor/line filter, and I've been pleased with the results. My amplifier is class A, and I live in an area that has no nearby industry or commerce that might pollute the AC.

-- Al
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A dedicated circuit is step 1. A proven power cord would be step 2. Power conditioning is step 3. Depending on equipment, sonic results vary. I like my amps plugged into a Shunyata Triton.
The right answer is, it depends. I have dedicated AC lines with their own separated electrical panel. I also have a balanced AC isolation transformer conditioner.Every component without exception sounds better when plugged into the balanced AC transformer vs directly into the dedicated wall outlets.You may or may not have similar results.
Al is correct in that you have to have protection for when you forget to unplug (obviously the best) your equipment and a lightning storm descends up on you (it will happen). I have Brickwall unit(s) for this as well. Elizabeth is right in that you need to get the big (PS Audio P10) units so they have the umphh to drive your amps easily if....as Charles1dad says, dedicated outlets aren't possible or adequate. Living in Atlanta, a P10 made all the difference in the world for me while a nearby friend who has the street transformer right outside his house, running directly into his house, benefitted little. It does depend. (Now, how diplomatic was that!) I own seven Brickwalls and two P10's so you could say I have bought into this approach.