Intel Mac Mini

Apple has just introduced the new Mac Mini Solo and Duo (dual core processors). Interestly, the new Mac Minis sport digital optical audio inputs and outputs. No longer are Mac Mini owners limited to using USB transfer devices to getting digital audio output. Read some of the details here:

Obviously, Steven Jobs has picked up on the idea of using the Mac Mini as a media hub. The new Mac Mini even sports a matching remote control for navigating media tracks and controlling volume.

I am so glad I have waited on buying a new PC for my next digital transport. Coupled with a FireWire drive or Network Attached Storage (NAS) device, I am now ready to take the plunge into a hard drive transport.
Too bad they are using the combined digital/analog minijack, which restricts
the use of interconnects to Monster cable and the use of DACs with optical
inputs. On the positive side it sports an optical digital input as well!

Other than that the Mini has been on my list as a media server for a while.
Add a quiet harddrive with fanless, heatsink enclosure and one should have a
nice media center. The remote sounds like a great feature as well.

Apple is certainly taking things in the right direction.
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I'm considering getting the new Intel Mac Mini as a HT media server. I am planning on adding an external HD to up the storage to 500 Gigs (to start). Has anyone done this already?

I'm curious on what kind of DVI to Component (or DVI to HDMI) cable I will need as well as the best utilities to rip DVDs to files which will work best. I don't have a lot of experience ripping DVDs to file to maintain video and audio quality.
