EAC dbpoweramp jumpstart

Posted elsewhere about my recent “opportunity” to once again rip my favorite Cds. This time around I’ll be using a 32bit Vista machine with 3 gigs of RAM and 500MB hard drive as a dedicated music server, backed up to an enterprise quality external HD.

I like Itunes and Apple Lossless but am also going to download EAC, the free version of dbpoweramp and Foobar2000 and play around a bit with WAV, wavpac, FLAC, MP4 and even LAME, before ripping all my Cds again. I figure since I have some excess computing power I might as well learn what I can.

Before starting though, I have a couple of questions. Anyone know of sites with good introductions to EAC? Also can I set EAC (or dbpoweramp) to simultaneously and/or automatically convert a download to more than one format, say download and convert to FLAC , LAME and MP4?

I expect to learn mainly by trial and error but answers to these to questions might get me jump started. So would appreciate what ever feedback I can get. Tks.

This is more of a tutorial.
Sorry about the last link. Maybe this will help both of us.
www.hydrogenaudio has a lot of discussion on ripping and EAC.
Just do "test and copy" - uncompressed and you will get great CD copies.

When you install EAC, run the wizard and it will optimize for your CDROM drive.

If you want all of the tagging info, then I recommend AIFF format.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Steve, Steve N., and sprngr (via PM)

Thanks guys for your responses. Before I started work on EAC this morning I decided to do some more googleing to try to locate a good tutorial that was relevant to a specific version of EAC. I found a good tutorial for version V095 Beta 4 here: http://www.teqnilogik.com/tutorials/eac.shtml; and found a good place to download that version here: exact-audio-copy.en.softonic.com/. (Sorry for not including live links-once I master EAC I'll undertake the more difficult challenge of learning how to include live links in an Audiogon post.)

Using the above tutorial and version, I managed to get started. At least I have ripped a couple of CDs to WAV and to LAME. Right now I'm trying to figure out how to que multiple compression formats. But I'll figure that out.

I must say it seems like there are a lot of members who urge others to use EAC but there are not many who are interested in helping someone get started on it. Thanks again.