Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
Hi Bob, I have a vintage pair of JBL L-7 speakers with the Tara Labs Omega Jumpers on them and I own Poly crystal speaker spikes and still points speaker spikes I rotate from time to time to make the speaker cabinets inert alot better than what they were designed to be, They sound wonderfull!, I am sure I can get better, But at what crazy money are we talking about?, My speakers are 4-way, cross over at 900hz, and do 30hz to 27khz, My wife is into the audio nearly as much as I am, I believe she would use the cables that we own, I am with you on that, anything could happen, I hope she does not cut up the cables If I kick the ole bucket, LOL!, have you ever done any modds to your equipment before?, I am starting to get knee deep in doing so, for the money, The performance returns are very well worth it!
BoB, I posted two post to you in response that did not come to this thread, why I do not know?, I have the vintage JBL L-7 speakers, 4-way, 30hz to 27khz, Bi-amp speakers with Tara Labs Omega jumper cables, and poly crystal footers, and still points ss reference footers that I rotate in and out from time to time on the speakers when I want a change in the sound of the speakers, on the most part, the poly crystal footers are better, now the still points ultimate 5 is a total different league, very exspensive, better than the poly crystal footers, maybe one day I will have the ultimate 5 footers.
@audiolabyrinth. high fidelity ultimate reference will go in my system tomorrow. I will shoot you out a report. I also thought the taralabs the one was a real good interconnect. I'm going to put the high fidelity ct1 enhanced loom with ultimate reference power cord tomorrow. Will report out soon.
I bet the jbls sound good.Ive got a used pc on the way,Ive never herd that model before,so let you know how that sounds too.The nice man of few words who sold me my interconnects, said it will killsec,when I asked him about shunyata in the picture he sent me.Ill take that as ,its a good pc,and run with it.stealth v12
Thankyou calvinj, High-fidelty is a good cable, I look forward to your report, should be fun.