However, inexpensive USB audio sucks, in my experience. If you have a good system, products like the Keces, HagUsb, and the USB input on many otherwise good DACs are complete non-starters compared to playing a CD via a transport.
I tried the HAGUSB briefly and did not like it at all. That was many years ago - Perhaps they've improved it. The USB input on the MHDT DAC was good in my system and would easily compete with many of the standalone players I've owned. I would not consider it expensive at around $600 new. The current Modwright Transporter I use (via wireless, NOT usb) without any doubt at all exceeds any transport I've used via wireless connection to my music library two floors below in my basement. Using a transport into the DAC of the Modwright Transporter it is marginally better. Disclaimer: Modwright is one of my clients. The Benchmark USB DAC, though I ultimately did not like it for the same reasons I didn't like it via a transport, did not give up much via USB. I've heard the same USB Benchmark in a few rooms at both RMAF, CES and THE Show sounding quite good (contrary to my own experiments with it). Red Wine Audio's Isabellina DAC was sounding great via USB. Maybe I'm misinterpreting your intent, but it seems like it's a broad and sweeping statement you've made for having studied for "several months". Does that mean you've tried out many different USB DACs - if so, which ones? I guess I'd say my impressions are different (obviously) and I've been using computer audio for several years rather than months (and did not always favor it). I would agree that some of the cheap USB devices have the potential to be poor performers as does any cheaply built/designed component. No surprises there. I think the potential of PC Audio in general could easily exceed the performance of a CD transport. Check out the recent article on the high-rez formats and the Berkley Alpha DAC - I think in TAS...maybe January...or was it Decemeber? I'd suggest you give it a better chance as there is great potential there.