Exact Audio Copy Software

I'm in the long arduous process of burning my disks to FLAC lossless. In doing so, I've chosen to use Exact Audio as my software ripper of choice. I'm interested in knowing whether those with EAC experience can provide a set of options or settings that optimize the final results on the hard disk drive. Compression and other options that are offered within the parameters of this package.

There are a few threads here on the EAC software you might want to peruse.

The FLAC codec is supposedly the same quality regardless the 'compression'... That does seem right too, though I still go with a 7.

I found another key for good ripping was to use CDs on the list of preferred CDs which have been used to calibrate better, the EAC software... it's along list so you probably already have these CDs.
I recommend ripping to .wav using "test and copy". Make sure that you run the "setup" where it asks you to insert a clean CD disk. Setup sets the "offsets" and determines the error reporting.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio