USB1.1 has a maximum data rate of 12 megabits per second, or 1.5 megaBytes per second. USB2, which was introduced in 2001 and is present these days on most computers and most devices that have usb ports, has a theoretical maximum data rate of 480 megabits per second, or 60 megaBytes per second. Real world data rates for USB2 are significantly lower than that for various reasons.
Not sure what your references to 48Hz and 96Hz mean. Those are deep bass frequencies. If you are referring to 48KHz (note the "K" for kiloHertz) or 96KHz sample rates, both are within the theoretical maximum bit rate of USB1.1, but as a practical matter I would not be surprised if USB1.1 could not handle continuous streaming of 96kHz 16 or 24 bit audio without intermittently breaking up.
-- Al
-- Al