EMM Labs DAC 2 presentation

Hi All:

I'm using the highly respected Emm Labs DAC 2 in my PC Audio set up. In spite of USB cables, tweaking of the FUBAR settings etc, I find the sound dry and mechanical. I'm asking for suggestions on a warmer, more lush sounding DAC as my primary source of listening is vinyl. Perhaps something that employs tubes in its design. Maybe Audio Research, Wavelength?
Hi Chris, you may want to have a look at the DAC introduced by Playback Designs. I believe it upsamples to 24/192. PD is headed by Andreas Koch, formerly of EMM. According to all reports I have heard, PD sound is both more emotional and more detailed than EMM. My favorite though is the TEAC Esoteric D-03, which while maintaining the emotive characteristics ofPD, sounded to me even more refined, lower in distortion, and seemed to yield an even more convincing sound stage. TEAC has recently introduced a USB/lossless option to the D-03. G.
We have the EMM Labs DAC, the Digital Audio Denmark AX24 and the Playback Designs MPS-5. The Playback Designs is our new reference DAC. It will even accept the ST-optical connection of the EMM labs transport if you have one. They also make a seperate DAC without the transport.
Crna39, how would you characterize the sonic differences between the PD DAC and the EMM DAC?