Any SB Owners Using Channel Islands Power Supply

Look Here to see what I am referring to. Since my server has become my main source for listening to music, I want to maximize its performance (sound familiar) – this looks like an interesting tweak. I’ve read good reviews about the various CI High Current Power Supplies – I’ve even read some highly positive reviews about the Duet/VDC-9.0 combination. That said, I have also read several threads on the Logitech site that are emphatic that an aftermarket power supply cannot improve the sound quality of any SB device (this coming from several senior members, including the Logitech top honcho). I know we’ve all thrown a meager $279 to the audio Gods to no avail, so this isn’t that big a deal. Then again…$279 will buy all my little cherubs new shoes. What say those in the know? I do prefer unabashed knowledge, but I will certainly welcome sarcasm, cynicism and mildly offensive humor.
I've got the Bolder Cable digital mod. Again, definitely a step up from the stock unit. Quieter, smoother, etc.
I've got the Bolder Cable digital mod. Again, definitely a step up from the stock unit. Quieter, smoother, etc.

Did you upgrade the PS at the same time you had the digital mod done? The reason I ask, is that I wonder if the improvements you hear result more from the internal mods rather than from the upgraded PS. Hopefully I'll gain some improvement by just upgrading the PS. I'd hate to be without my Duet receiver for very long. How long were you without your receiver when you had Bolder do the mods? I wonder if Cullen Circuits does any mods to Logitech devices??
I got the power supply first. Then I bought another SB3 w/the bigger power supply. A couple of months later, I sent the SB3 in for the upgrade.

I was without mine less than 2 weeks. But I think it depends on the backlog that Wayne (Bolder Cables) has.

FYI, I've spoken to Wayne a couple of times about the SB3/Duet mods. He told me that dollar for dollar, you get better results from the Duet. But the SB3 is capable of better sound, if money isn't factored in.
Is anyone using these mods with digital out to external DAC, or is everyone using analogue out to preamp/receiver?