Unfortunately, we have ventured into territory that I am not really qualified to speak on, at least in technical terms. But, based upon my extensive reading of articles and opinions on the on the subject, it is my "opinion" [emphasis added] that if you are using a quality transport and quality cables into a quality DAC, then the jitter that you would try to correct by reclocking may be so minimal that it is of no consequence - i.e. inaudible - in the first place. I would check with your DAC manufacturer to see how your DAC handles jitter. It's possible that it reclocks the signal on its own, especially if its an upsampling DAC. Just my .02 on that issue. Again, I would encourage you to read all you can on the subject and draw your own conclusions.
As to the bolder mods, in "my system" the lower noise floor offers exactly what you seek, i.e. a greater clarity and detail retrieval. You often hear, in audiophile terms, of "music emerging from a blacker background", and I think that terminology applies here. I experienced the same results when I added a battery powered preamp to my system and also when I had my Opus modded, which also included significant power supply upgrades. So, I suppose the Bolder mods just fall more in line with my system goals than a reclocking device. YMMV.
As to the bolder mods, in "my system" the lower noise floor offers exactly what you seek, i.e. a greater clarity and detail retrieval. You often hear, in audiophile terms, of "music emerging from a blacker background", and I think that terminology applies here. I experienced the same results when I added a battery powered preamp to my system and also when I had my Opus modded, which also included significant power supply upgrades. So, I suppose the Bolder mods just fall more in line with my system goals than a reclocking device. YMMV.