You're going to love it. Here's what I know about the Duet from experience...
Ultimate Duet Settings:
Replay Gain (off)
Turn on Audio (always on)
Crossfade ( none)
Smart Crossfade (none)
Crossfade Duration (0)
Volume Control (100% fixed)
Volume Adjustment (none)
The best codec is Flac because the SB Duet supports Flac natively and allows you to use the fast-forward and rewind functions on the controller (with wav files those functions do not work).
Also, I highly recommend ripping with EAC, which you can download for free. I will be more than happy to "walk you through" the initial EAC setup.
Additionally, a good external linear power supply can be added as a tweak check this out.
Good luck....and report back on how you (love) your new
You're going to love it. Here's what I know about the Duet from experience...
Ultimate Duet Settings:
Replay Gain (off)
Turn on Audio (always on)
Crossfade ( none)
Smart Crossfade (none)
Crossfade Duration (0)
Volume Control (100% fixed)
Volume Adjustment (none)
The best codec is Flac because the SB Duet supports Flac natively and allows you to use the fast-forward and rewind functions on the controller (with wav files those functions do not work).
Also, I highly recommend ripping with EAC, which you can download for free. I will be more than happy to "walk you through" the initial EAC setup.
Additionally, a good external linear power supply can be added as a tweak check this out.
Good luck....and report back on how you (love) your new