Are my CAT5 and router my weak link?

I have paid a lot of money for my PS Audio PW DAC II with the well as all of my interconnects, power cords and speaker cables. After all that, I have an inexpensive (relative to my system) wireless router that connects my computer to the PW DAC and CAT6 cables that are not too special. Are those components letting the signal come through fully? I am curious what others may have done.

Jeffatus, Time jitter is the only thing that affects sound of digital transmission. Wireless or Ethernet data is just that - a data. It means it is being sent in packets without timing. Bad Ethernet cable or wireless router can cause disruption is data delivery resulting in dropouts but cannot change the sound.
I do this everyday it's part of my job. Not to worry unless your connections are sub par(defective) you will not have a problem.
Oh, I'll likely regret this post. I know digits are digits and data is data. But I can clearly here differences in clock cables between my clock and the transport/dac. It is not subtle. My wife can hear it. The stock cables aren't cheap/trashy at all. The other clock cables are a Cardas Lightning 15/Purist Proteus Provectus Praesto.

I can even hear the Purist being more transparent and giving the sound more focus/palpability vs the Cardas.

So something is going on here vs just transmitting the data...

I did try a Audioquest firewire from my transport to dac...again, you can quickly hear this also...
Any cable that is conducting high speed digital signals, such as the OP's CAT6 ethernet cable, firewire cables, USB cables, etc., and that is located in physical proximity to the audio system (e.g., in the same room), can radiate or couple RFI (radio frequency interference) into the audio system, with effects that although unpredictable could conceivably be both sonically significant and cable-dependent.

Cables that are conducting signals that are involved in the timing of D/A conversion, such as (apparently) the clock cables Jfrech is referring to, can of course be expected to be much more critical, as a result of noise pickup, ground loop, and impedance matching issues that can affect jitter.

If the CAT6 ethernet cable the OP referred to is in the same room as the audio system, he may wish to consider experimenting with inexpensive shielded ethernet cables, as member Bryoncunningham described doing in this thread. See the posts in that thread dated on and around 2-16-12. Inexpensive ethernet cables are commonly unshielded, but good quality shielded cables are also readily available at low prices.

-- Al