Well I am up and running on my maiden voyage into the world of PC playback. I am doing a quick proof of concept test this weekend before I take a monetary plunge. So I borrowed a mini mac from work with OS 10.7, 2 GB ram with duo core processor.
Ripped about 7 cd's with XLD in AIFF format
Loaded Audirvana + and the QuteHD driver and voila!
I have not done any optimizations to the Mac OS.
I am remote controlling the headless mini via my Linux laptop VNC connection. So cool to control from my couch.
First impressions are "It works and it sounds like music" but I cannot tell whether it is better or not than my CDP setup.
What remote app do you use on your ipad?
Ripped about 7 cd's with XLD in AIFF format
Loaded Audirvana + and the QuteHD driver and voila!
I have not done any optimizations to the Mac OS.
I am remote controlling the headless mini via my Linux laptop VNC connection. So cool to control from my couch.
First impressions are "It works and it sounds like music" but I cannot tell whether it is better or not than my CDP setup.
What remote app do you use on your ipad?