Problems with Ayre's Company???

I was disturbed today to hear that some of Ayre's long time authorized dealers are stepping down from carrying the Ayre product line. Ayre is a company that prides itself on creating some of the highest quality gear that we all know and love. It is the type of company that stands by its dealers and customers and has always been a pioneer in the industry with new discoveries and research/development guided by a great creator in Charles Hanson. I learned that recently a new head sales manager has joined the team and is forcing the hand of several Ayre dealers to sell more products in a style that is not complimentary to such an honorable company. My local dealer was basically forced out of the product line for unimaginable reasons. I think it would be wise to contact your local dealers to see if they are experiencing similar problems. We can only hope that with time this "change" in sales management will be corrected. Until then we all need to be careful because marketing to sell more and more units without supporting peripheral dealers in a company rich in tradition such as Ayre begins a "slippery slope" down which reputation suffers significantly.
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I appreciate your comments and understand your point. I guess it is just frustrating seeing good quality dealers who really care about their products and customers being pushed aside for the latest marketing scheme to sell high numbers of products. I just can't justify turning a cold shoulder to the very people that helped solidify Ayre's name in the industry.
My local dealer was basically forced out of the product line for unimaginable reasons.

Okay, try us, what were these unimaginable reasons? I'm not saying companies don't sometimes put stress on dealers to sell things in ways that don't make both parties happy, but dealers have been known, from time to time, to be not totally forthright in why they stopped carrying a brand. I mean, there are certain dealers in NY (and I'm sure in other places) that will talk up a brand to you like it's the holy grail, but then badmouth it and recommend you change the minute they stop carrying it (this is from experience).

Also, Tvad makes a point. True, some companies are more aggressive in marketing and selling their products (MuFi comes to mind!) but I would'nt be worried about sourcing parts or an authorized repairer if I owned a TriVista right now. What is Ayre doing that's so underhanded?
How many of you guys have supported your local dealer by paying retail for a new Ayre product?

Thank you for your input. I do not want to get into too many of the specifics of the "unimaginable reasons". The local dealer I speak of would never say anything bad about the quality of Ayre products. He truly has a passion for his work and takes great pride in product selection. He has a long history selling Ayre products and runs a very honest business. Also I don't think that "underhanded" is the right description. We are not talking about anything illegal. It was more like a slap in the face to a reputable dealer. Like you said, forcing them to sell certain things in certain ways.


Interesting point. It is true that many of us buy used Ayre products and this can be seen as a lack of support to the local dealer. The flip side is that many of us also learn a great deal about high end equipment from local dealers which greatly influences our decisions. In addition, many times buying a piece of equipment used serves as a gateway to future new purchases once you discover how great a product line is. Regardless, it is obvious that if you only buy used products and never purchase anything from your local dealers then you would have little concern with this matter anyway.