Am I missing something?
O.K.- Just what the h**l is the above? Is it so obvious that I'm missing the point? Have I lost my sense of logic? Am I understanding correctly, that simply placing this 'alarm clock' somewhere in my listening room, I will hear improved sonics?
I think it's called the "placebo effect." This device or its predecessor, was introduced about 12 years ago, and was duly noted by the reviewers. Needless to say it never caught on . . . . .I wonder why.

Have you considered one of those "magic chips" to put on top of your CD player?
I agree with Nsgarch.

I don't believe that battery powered clock could provide any improvement in an audio system other than letting you know how long you've been listening.

There was a "plug in" clock sold by Tice some years ago. Tice also built power conditioning products, the most famous were the Power Block and Titan.

After all the overblown claims for the Tice clock, an engineer friend of mine took one apart and discovered it had a similar (but lesser) effect than Quiet Lines. Basically it was a clock with a cap and resistor that loaded the AC line, providing a small amount of noise reduction.

I find the Quiet Line filters to be more effective, especially if you use enough of them.
I actually have a bag of lizard bones I hang over my preamp , a Walrus uterus that I place in the corners of my listening room to draw unwanted energy from the sweetspot and I had corpse hair cross stitched into the lining of my subs for damping effects . Sadly , none of these Voodoo tweaks made any real improvements. The " clocks " however have made a startling change that even the jaded would at least ... have to admit makes a difference . This isnt the moment to digress on this accessory suffice to say I am for one , engaged with its effects at present. Maybe one should try a thing before dismissing a thing.