Denver Audio Show photos

Where are some 2005 Show photos posted?

your coverage always blends professionalism and humor with clean ,clear photos...thanks ,i'm sure,for your dedication,it gives those that attend a helpful reminder as well as a "virtual tour" for those not able to make it.
your photos and e-mails are always anticipated and appreciated!!
Hey Albert, 300 photos can take forever. I was locked up at work 14 hours a day, six days straight working on just ONE image!

Thanks for covering the show, I can't wait to see them!
C'mon Al...get a leg up! I used to crop, color enhance, create clipping paths, why I could do 750 images in an 8 hr
shift, whats the hold up man??????!!!!!!!!!
P.S. When I was in charge of Graphics arts and Typesetting for a Printing Company in Cleveland, my boss fed me the same shit I am feeding you, and it feels AWESOME to dish it back out.......whewwwwwww thanks
Jtinn, how ruuude of me - it was fun getting to place a face with a name. I never did catch up with Mike. I guess I'll have to park in your room at long as you focus a bit more on jazz. Hah.
We have several hundred big and juicy photos of RMAF 2005 here:

Not pro shots like Albert's (you should see his rig!) but hopefully enjoyable nonetheless.

A show report is forthcoming...
