If it's snowing, I'm going

Being an audiophile is fine passion, however skiing is what makes life worth living. A very good ski season is barely six months long, which is like only being able to hear your system for half the year, and look at pictures of it for the rest.

That’s what being a fanatic for the white stuff is like. And we’re at least as opinionated about piste/off-piste, resorts, skis, helmet’s etc., as any SET/SS argument. A-Basin and Loveland Pass opened last week. IT’S BAAAACK!

Is there a point here? Yes. A few months ago we had a thread that morphed into a discussion about the skiing obsession. It got deleted. I took notes of who you other guys were. I lost the book. I want to know who and where you are again. Anyone interested in Agon meeting on a chairlift at 10,000ft in CO, UH, BC, WA, CA, VT?

If you see a gold Maxima with “The Legend – Arapahoe Basin” license surround when you’re in Connecticut, wave, or give me the finger or something. Who’s ready for the season??!!
Rain on the valley floor today but skiffs in the Tetons above 9000'.

Snow King just started blowing snow at the base today. No action at Jackson Hole Mountain Resort - the Village.

Two hour lunch breaks at the King during the week and the Village all weekend.

I drive a red Cherokee with a large Thule box on top. There are many like it in Jackson but mine has no stickers what so ever. I prefer the finger but the wave is cool too, a piece sign is utlimately my inherent style.
Pali - Did you say Pali? OK, I finally did Pali two years ago. While it may be blashemy (I love Vail), I look forward to some Pali action again this season.
I did say Pali :^) Great run. While It's been a few years since I've been to A-Basin, I remember it like it was yesterday. Nothing beats a day @ the Basin, finishing up with a few cold ones on "the beach!"

As for Vail, what's not to love. Blue Sky Basin is steller!

Enjoy the season!

My gift this year is a friend who just bought a home in Jackson. TIME TO FREELOAD!