Thanks for the inputs folks. Lead shot isn't an option, pretty much impossible to find in Canada. My original thinking was to avoid getting any moisture in the pillars of the speaker stands, they would rust out over time (maybe stink too). I broached the subject of using the oven along with some roasting pans to the keeper of the kitchen, that did not go over well. "Get your own pans, leave my stuff alone. You're insane, quit hanging out on AudioGon" (I'll still do it if it makes sense to me though). The silica sand sounds like a good idea, but the toxic nature of it makes me a bit leery.
Unfilled vs. filled is another topic unto itself. Only way to know is try 'em both ways. Intuitively the unfilled stands will ring, damped stands won't. I figure it's worth exporimenting, worse case you empty the stands out if they sound better unfilled. Thanks all, Jeff
Unfilled vs. filled is another topic unto itself. Only way to know is try 'em both ways. Intuitively the unfilled stands will ring, damped stands won't. I figure it's worth exporimenting, worse case you empty the stands out if they sound better unfilled. Thanks all, Jeff