This sucks

I just liquidated my old system [] and replaced it with the follwing: Marantz SA8260 (on Mapleshade Surefoot), to Purist Audio Maximus ICs, to Cary 300SEI (on Mapleshade Heavyfoot with PS Audio Lab I PC and Sophia 300b) to Blue Dragon headphone cable to Senn HD650. There is NO bottom end and the whole soundstage sounds smeared and just overall horrible. What the hell was I thinking?? Is there a link in my current chain that might be causing this?? Is this the best I can expect from my headphone system?
Let this be a lesson for all the audio tail-chasers out there. Sometimes people just need to realise what great sound they already have. It's not the grass that's greener, it's envy.
While headphones have their place, they are no substitute for good speakers. Different tools for different jobs.
Have all of these new pieces broken in yet? I was amazed at how bad my new Creek Classic 5350SE sounded when I got it new. A freind was over and was polite but I could see the disappointment on her face as well. I played the creek for several weeks and it just bloomed. Very musical, fast, deep, tight. Easily what I expected from the "Stereophile" recommended component rating. It just needed time to break in. This same friend was over last weekend and thought I had upgraded my amplifier and could not believe the sound was comming from the same unit as before.
Before you trash the system, I suggest you try a set of 'phones with higher impedance. The 650's, some models of Grado, and the top AKGs all have very low input impedance. MAYBE if the output impedance of your headphone jack is a bit high, that would explain the lack of bass.
ONE other hypothesis: try going back to the 650's original cable. If your current cable's wires were reversed, putting one side out of phase with the other, you'd get EXACTLY the results you're describing.
Remember you're replacing a speaker that has highly authoritative bass and soundstaging.

As a 4JR owner, and former 300SEI owner, I would highly reccomend a pair of VR-2s. They work extremely well with the 300SEI. I've often thought about going back to this system. It was excellent.