Best Tweaks.....

I have been tweaking my system over the years trying to improve bass and room reflection problems just like many others. Trying to keep the cost down here are some tweaks that I have found to be effective. Bass traps from GIK,
M. Green's corner tunes, and Polycrystal speaker points.
Please list your keepers...
Please, what is a foot sanding stone? And what do you mean by roller balls? Sounds interesting as a meaningful tweek.
Roller balls ,a steel or tungsten carbite ball that is placed between two concave metal trays.It is an isolation device that works by changing the energy of vibration into heat as the roller rolls on the horizontal axis into it's sockets.Guys is it not how the bearings work?Help out here.
Now the sanding stone is a soft stone made for removing calluses from under the feet.Dr Scholl and other brands carry them, in the drug stores.But I did not know that they can be used as a tweek,I should try them myself some time.
The foot sanding stone looks like a porous piece of ceramic. Extremely light weight but hard as stone. The porousity eliminates any resonances.
You may want to start with 3. Put them 22% in from the edges of your component which is the approximate point of minimum resonant amplitude.
stone blocks
positioning of cones