What's the deal with the Machina Dynamica Clock?

Just my uninformed and untested opinion, and maybe I am wrong, but this Clever Little Clock sounds more like a Clever Little CROCK to me. Any true believers are welcome to enlighten me, but don't expect me to whip out the credit card just yet. Don't mean to "tick" anyone off. Note: sarcastic skeptical scoffers are also very welcome to post to this thread. :)
Ray, you sure that lightning bolt didn't also hit you, at least peripherally? :~)
i dunno if it has been posted here, so here goes:
one of those "clever" little devices dissected
this debate remind's me of a line in a old mothers of invention song "gregory peckory" where the "trend mongers" rack their agile mind's to come up with a thrilling new trend to sell to the bored & miserable people, it's then that gregory peckory(a little pig kinda animal) single handedly invent's the calander.

from the song "a peckory is a pig".

I hope i didnt tick anyone off with my fictional story ,,,it was meant in the spirit of humor!Audiogon hasnt billed me for a classified ad , yet,lol,,,Rcprince,i do live in the lightning capital of the world!Peace,Ray
i heard that they really work good, but only if they are cryogenically treated.