What's the deal with the Machina Dynamica Clock?

Just my uninformed and untested opinion, and maybe I am wrong, but this Clever Little Clock sounds more like a Clever Little CROCK to me. Any true believers are welcome to enlighten me, but don't expect me to whip out the credit card just yet. Don't mean to "tick" anyone off. Note: sarcastic skeptical scoffers are also very welcome to post to this thread. :)
Goeff's products add to the sham which is hi-end audio today IMO. As Stereophile states "sales of home audio components dropped 30% between 2003 and 2005". So maybe the consumer is starting to smarten up. So keep driving people away with this lunacy.
Retail stores can't survive on 2 channel anymore. I remember back in the late 80's when a local store selling Klipsch was so busy they only allowed 15 minute listening sessions so everyone could get a chance to hear them.
The "it's a free market" explanation does nothing to address the morality of selling a bogus product.
Cdc - are you suggesting we all go back to the 80s, (where you apparently got off)? Fortunately, many others are not quite so anxious to return to yesteryear...

~ cheers
One point to be made about the laetrile analogy:

Laetrile was touted as an anticancer wonder drug. Its effects are unproven. It is much, much worse to lure a potentially curable cancer patient away from standard chemotherapy regimens with an untested drug like laetrile than it is to offer for sale a relatively inexpensive device for audiophiles which may or may not be effective.

Cancer drugs have a measurable end point, life or death. No such end point exists for the subjective realm of high end audiophiles' impressions. The laetrile analogy, therefore, while technically parallel, is overly harsh,in my opinion.
Guys, two words: QUANTUM PHYSICS. It MUST work. What else do you need to know? ;-)