What's the deal with the Machina Dynamica Clock?

Just my uninformed and untested opinion, and maybe I am wrong, but this Clever Little Clock sounds more like a Clever Little CROCK to me. Any true believers are welcome to enlighten me, but don't expect me to whip out the credit card just yet. Don't mean to "tick" anyone off. Note: sarcastic skeptical scoffers are also very welcome to post to this thread. :)
Heavens to Murgatroid!! I'm not toatally sure, but I think that your tongue is firmly planted in your cheek?
My little girl loves sticker books.
Which ones would you recommend?????
Snow White or Mickey Mouse.
I think those can realy bring these clock to another level.
We can also use them on speakers, cdp etc.....

I am in !!!!!!
Murgatroid, the wave radio in conjunction with the cleverly improvised clock will probably yield an audio experience second to none. Don't rush to get into 'serious hi-fi', you're already there.
I understand Trump has two and he says FoxNews sounds much better with it on, so he will play it during his trial